Allen Rueter's notes

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On the work side of things I know something about:
  • Unix/Linux - How to kill a defunct process maybe
  • Finding other machine in a IP address conflict
  • Redhat/CentOS dhcp/dhclient with multiple NICs
  • Why is my computer slow?
  • VMS - This should clue you in to how old I am, I also know old O/Ses like RSTS/E and RDOS
  • Solaris/Linux - dynamic/hot plug hardward detection (SCSI mostly)
  • Hiding your password with temporary varibles and pipes for programs/fetchmail
  • Linux nslookup /etc/resolv.conf search broken - nslookup alias
  • misc anwers
  • perl
  • control what is what
  • Networks, including Ethernet, FDDI, DECnet, IP, SNA
  • HP Procurve configuration tips
  • a list of gear that fails to auto negotiate
  • disconnecting a rps 2300 from a 3750/3560
  • I used to teach a SysAdmin course,  CSE401
  • I used belong to DECUS, which is now ENCOMPASS where i've given talks on Stupid DCL Tricks and Power Tools.
  • I also goto  St.Louis Unix Users Group  So I'm going to start some  Stupid Shell Tricks  for my own reference.
  • VMware notes here
  •   tcpdump examples (WOL)
  •  sed examples  and  RE examples
  • I use mutt to read mail mutt search patterns

    notes for making text mail tools work with exchange

  • What port am I connected to? or viewing cdp and lldp packets
  • mac notes(dhcp,...)
  • I've programmed in Digital BASIC, C, C++, VAX Macro, VAX Fortran, Forth
  • Lightly support a public domain library HL7ImExa for more HL7 Info go here
  • Personal stuff is moving here



    my mail server is and you can address it to allen282