The numbering scheme in the bibliography contains multiple errors; Tadeus Prastowo has compiled a list of these errors in the following technical report.
Thanks to Rany Kahlil for having identified an error in Lemma 2 of this paper.
This erratum corrects this and some other errors.
Thanks to Gurulingesh Raravi for informing me of some errors in this paper.
A corrected (and far more general) version of the results appear in (Andreas Wiese, Vincenzo Bonifaci, and Sanjoy Baruah. Partitioned EDF scheduling on a few types of unrelated multiprocessors, Real-Time Systems 49 (2), pp 219-238, 2013.)
Thanks to Haitao Zhu for pointing this out
In the appendix, it is claimed (bullet item 4):
For a deadline miss to occur, it is necessary that ${\cal L }> {\cal U}$; hence ${\cal L} \leq {\cal U}$ is a sufficient schedulability condition.
This is incorrect; the correct statement is
For a deadline miss to occur, it is necessary that ${\cal L }< {\cal U}$; hence ${\cal L} \geq {\cal U}$ is a sufficient schedulability condition.
Figure 1 in this paper incorrectly claims that the non-cyclic GMF task model is a generalization of the "traditional" GMF model. This is incorrect; a corrected version of this figure appears in (Sanjoy Baruah. The non-cyclic recurring real-time task model. Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), San Diego, CA. December 2010. IEEE Computer Society Press.)
Thanks to Marko Bertogna for catching this
Claim 5 in the paper is incorrect as stated (although this error is not relevant to the remainder of the paper). The corrected version of this claim may be found in the journalization of this paper (Sanjoy Baruah, Vincenzo Bonifaci, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, and Sebastian Stiller. Improved multiprocessor global schedulability analysis. Real-Time Systems 46 (1), 2010.)
Thanks to Marko Bertogna for pointing this out
Equation 3 is incorrect. The second term in the min -- $A_k + D_k - C_k$ -- implicitly assumes that the job missing its deadline executes for $C_k$ time units, whereas it actually executes for strictly less than $C_k$. Hence this second term should be -- $A_k + D_k - (C_k-\epxilon)$; for task systems with integer parameters, $\epsilon$ can be taken to be equal to one.
(A similar modification needs to be made for the definition of $I_2(\tau)$ -- Equation 5 in the paper)
Thanks to Gennady Shmonin for pointing this out
In the proof of Theorem 11, $d_i = p_i = 1$ should be $d_i = p_i = y_i$