R. Jain, "Quality of Service in Data Networks: Recent Solutions and Issues," NetWorld+InterOp Engineering Conference Panel, Las Vegas, NV, May 12, 1999.

Given the variety of traffic that has to traverse today's network, it has become important to provide appropriate quality of service for each application. A number of approaches have recently been proposed including priority in IEEE 802 networks, integrated services with RSVP and differentiated services in IP networks, and service categories in ATM networks. In this session, panelists will present key arguments for and against each of these (and a few more) approaches. Will any one or a combination of these satisfy real-world requirements? Other related issues such traffic control or engineering to meet dynamically changing demand and supply of network resources will also be discussed.

This talk covers the following topics:

Presentation slides in Adobe Acrobat Format: 1 slide/page

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