"Performance of TCP over ABR with self-similar VBR video background traffic over terrestrial and satellite ATM networks," ATM Forum/97-0177R1, February 1997

We study the effect of VBR carrying self-similar multiplexed video sources on ABR carrying TCP traffic. We present a VBR model where each of the video sources uses a MPEG-2 Transport Stream and generates traffic in a piecewise-CBR fashion [1]. The number of cells in each video frame is a random variable drawn from a self- similar process. The effect of such VBR traffic is that ABR capacity is highly variant. We find that a proper switch algorithm like ERICA+ [3] can tolerate this variance in ABR capacity while maintaining high throughput and low delay. We present simulation results for terrestrial and satellite WAN configurations.

For a revised version of this contribution, please see http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~jain/atmf/a97-0177r2.htm

Old contribution in text (37,353 bytes) | Adobe Acrobat

Presentation slides in Adobe Acrobat format (78,432 bytes)

See also:
Performance of TCP over ABR with self-similar VBR video background traffic

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